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What is Maryland Month? Throughout September, JPI is highlighting various aspects of Maryland’s justice system. These include statistics relating to jails, prisons, parole, probation, pretrial services, community supervision, treatment, demographics on who is in the system, what taxpayers spend on the system, and ways to put the hard numbers on Maryland’s overuse of incarceration into context. To learn more about Maryland, see our factsheets on the state’s demographics and prisons, and check out more share-able pics in our past two announcements, from week two and week three. Read JPI’s archive of Maryland reports or click on some more recent titles below:

Bailing on Baltimore
When Treatment is Punishment
Baltimore Behind Bars

Factsheet Sources:

Department of Legislative Services, Maryland General Assembly. “Fiscal and Policy Note (HB 84): Contraband – Places of Confinement – Penalty”. 2014. http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2014rs/fnotes/bil_0004/hb0084.pdf.

Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. Improving Reentry (Towson, MD). Accessed July 10, 2014. www.dpscs.state.md.us/publicinfo/features/Reentry/md_reentry-ppt.pdf.

Diller, Rebekah, Judith Greene, and Michelle Jacobs. Maryland’s Parole Supervision Fee: A Barrier to Reentry. Brennan Center for Justice. 2009. www.brennancenter.org/sites/default/files/legacy/publications/MD.Fees.Fines.pdf.

Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. “Public Safety and Correctional Services.” Fiscal Year 2015 Operating Budget. dbm.maryland.gov/agencies/operbudget/Documents/2015/Proposed/pubsafcor.pdf.