• Make a donation online
  • Donate by check or donor-advised fund (DAF)
  • Stocks and Securities
  • Venmo

Make a donation online

Donate by check or donor-advised fund (DAF)

JPI welcomes donations by check or through donor-advised funds (e.g., Schwab Charitable, Fidelity Charitable, etc.).

Justice Policy Institute
1012 14th Street NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005

If requesting a check or payment through your DAF, please use the address above and note our Tax ID is #20-0102713

Stocks and Securities

We welcome contributions in the form of stocks and securities to support JPI. By transferring ownership of appreciated securities to JPI, you may qualify for a charitable income tax deduction equal to their fair market value at the time of the gift, up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. Additionally, you can avoid paying capital gains tax, subject to IRS deduction limits.

Donating stock from your brokerage account directly to JPI through our secure Donate Stock portal is a quick, safe, and straightforward process that can be completed in 10 minutes or less.

Give here today!


You can make a tax-deductible contribution using Venmo. Search for @JusticePolicy on the app, scan the QR code, or click here.