Improving public safety in the District of Columbia depends on a comprehensive approach that includes multiple strategies spanning all City agencies, as well as the community at large. One facet of such a comprehensive approach is to improve outcomes for youth so fewer are either caught up in the justice system, a victim of crime, or both. This is one in a series of briefs addressing ways that improving youth outcomes can also result in better public safety outcomes for the District as a whole.
A commitment to increasing employment opportunities for D.C.’s youth is important to giving them positive workplace experiences, reducing justice system involvement and improving their work and earning potential into adulthood. Quality and robust job training and placement assistance share with delinquency prevention programs the ability to reconnect disconnected youth and create pathways to positive outcomes. These programs can help empower D.C.’s young people by promoting a desire for continued education and personal and professional development.
Related Documents
Working for a Better Future is the second in a series of research briefs that will be released by JPI in 2012 to show how the District could improve public safety and outcomes for youth through positive social investments. The rest of the briefs in the series can be found below: