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The Right Investment? Corrections Spending in Baltimore City

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In Category : Place Based Reform, Community Reinvestment, Racial Equity

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According to a new report released today by the Justice Policy Institute and the Prison Policy Initiative, Maryland taxpayers are spending $5 million or more to incarcerate people from each of about half of Baltimore’s communities (25 of 55), with total spending of $288 million a year on incarcerating people from Baltimore in Maryland’s prisons.

Based on data recently made available by a new Maryland law, The Right Investment?: Corrections Spending in Baltimore City shows for the first time where people who are incarcerated are from, and how much Maryland taxpayers spend on their incarceration. The report includes detailed tables that show where people incarcerated in Maryland are from, including the 23 counties and Baltimore City, select 157 cities and towns, and Maryland Senate and House of Delegate Districts, as well as information that can better inform investment decisions in these communities to help solve long-standing challenges and improve public safety.


The Right Investment? Corrections Spending in Baltimore City

Executive Summary

Press Release

Legislative & Policy Issues Affecting Incarceration

Media Coverage

West Baltimore offers vivid reminder of failed mass incarceration policy
Amadou Diallo, Al Jazeera America, Apr 30th 2015

Al Jazeera America

The Atlantic’s CityLab

Background Briefing with Ian Masters

The Baltimore Sun (“A negative return on investing in prisons”)

The Baltimore Sun (“At Resurrection Intersection, holding on to what’s important”)

The Baltimore Sun (“Report: Sandtown-Winchester leads state in number of people incarcerated)

Baltimore City Paper

Bloomberg Politics

The Boston Globe

These maps show the depth of Baltimore’s inequality problem
Pamela Engel, Business Insider, Apr 29th 2015

Business Insider (“Baltimore neighborhood at the center of riots was a ticking time bomb”)

Business Insider (“These maps show the depth of Baltimore’s inequality problem”)

Business Insider (“There’s another reason why Freddie Gray’s Baltimore neighborhood is so angry”)


BuzzFeed Ideas

BuzzFeed News

The Christian Post

Financial Times (“Baltimore police enforce curfew by firing pepper balls at crowds”)

Financial Times (“‘No training, no money, no hope, no way of getting out’”)

Financial Times (“Obama decries ‘slow-rolling crisis’ after riots”)

‘The Wire’ in real life: the Baltimore neighborhood Freddie Gray called home
David Zucchino & James Queally, Los Angeles Times, Apr 28th 2015


The Independent

International Business Times

Los Angeles Times (“In Baltimore, riots appear where urban renewal didn’t”)

Los Angeles Times (“‘The Wire’ in real life: the Baltimore neighborhood Freddie Gray called home”)

Los Angeles Times (“Who is Freddie Gray, whose death is at the center of Baltimore’s unrest?”)

Maryland Morning (WYPR 88.1FM)

Goodbye to Freddie Gray and Goodbye to Quietly Accepting Injustice
Michael Eric Dyson, The New York Times, Apr 29th 2015


Midday with Dan Rodricks (WYPR 88.1FM)

Mother Jones

National Journal

The National Review

The New Republic

The New York Times (“Goodbye to Freddie Gray and Goodbye to Quietly Accepting Injustice”)

The New York Times (“Hard but Hopeful Home to ‘Lot of Freddies’”)

Red Alert Politics


Focus on Freddie Gray’s neighborhood
DeWayne Wickham, USA Today, May 4th 2015

USA Today

Vox (“David Simon’s brutal diagnosis of the problems with Baltimore policing”)

Vox (“In Freddie Gray’s Baltimore neighborhood, half of the residents don’t have jobs”)

Vox (“Riots are destructive, dangerous, and scary — but can lead to serious social reforms”)

Vox (“Watch Jon Stewart’s brutal segment on how America ignored Baltimore before the riots”)

The Washington Post (“These two maps show the shocking inequality in Baltimore”)

The Washington Post (“What you really need to know about Baltimore, from a reporter who’s lived there for over 30 years”)

The Washington Times

WBOC 16 (Chris Weimer)

WBOC 16 (Emily Stern)


Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance Source Data [Information Used in Report]

Program Descriptions

Public Safety Compact

Number of People in Prison by…

Baltimore City Council Districts

Cities & Towns


Community Service Area

Senate and House District


Voting Precinct

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