Juvenile justice systems have achieved substantial reforms, but many still struggle to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for youth. Many systems devote significant resources to confining youth, often at the expense of more effective community-based approaches, which would keep youth closer to home.

CJJ hosted a webinar on “The Real Costs of Confinement and ‘What Works’ to Improve Youth Outcomes” on March 30.

Presenters shared new findings on the actual costs of confinement, including collateral costs to society, such as missed opportunities to reduce recidivism and promote education. This webinar highlighted the core principles demonstrated by research to improve outcomes for youth in the juvenile justice system. Presenters also offered concrete recommendations and lessons learned from the field for translating this research into policy and practice. 

Presenters included: 

Click here to view the PowerPoint. Click here to view the recording. Participants also received the following additional resources:

This webinar was hosted by the Coalition for Juvenile Justice.

Follow Marc Schindler on Twitter at @Marc4Justice, the Council of State Governments Justice Center at @CSGJC, and the Coalition for Juvenile Justice at @4JuvJustice.