Join us for an engaging discussion highlighting the political strategies of private prison companies and the implications of future private prison expansion, featuring leading experts in juvenile justice, immigration, unions, media, advocacy and law.
General Entry: $75; Nonprofit, Government: $50; Impacted Individuals: $35. Donations are tax deductible. RSVP early here.
Panelists include: Alex Friedmann, Prison Legal News, Nashville, TN; Gail Tyree, Soros Fellow, Miami, FL; Sheila Bedi, Southern Poverty Law Center, New Orleans, LA; Joshua Miller, American Federation of State and County Municipal Employees, Washington, DC; Emily Tucker, Detention Watch Network, Washington, DC; David Shapiro, ACLU National Prison Project, Washington, DC; Paul Ashton Author, Gaming the System, and Research assistant, JPI and will be moderated by Tracy Velázquez, Executive Director, JPI.
For more information, please email us at [email protected].