Jason, an expert in research, communications and advocacy, will help JPI maintain momentum in criminal and juvenile justice reform during a critical time for the field and the organization.
Jason has held several positions at JPI since its founding in 1997, including serving as Executive Director from 2005 to 2008. As JPI’s Director of Research & Policy, Jason will have strategic and operational responsibility for generating and coordinating JPI’s research and policy work.
Most recently, Jason served as a consultant to JPI, the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, the National Center for Victims of Crime, the National Institute of Corrections, Commonweal Consulting, Evidence-based Associates, the DC Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Washington Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, and the Campaign for Youth Justice.
Please help us welcome Jason back to JPI as he begins February 18. He can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter at @jzcnd.