During the summer of 2013, the Justice Policy Institute published “Incarceration Generation,” a coffee-table book of essays detailing the rise of mass incarceration over the last 40 years. Discussions and book signings are taking place throughout the U.S. Get your copy today!
“Incarceration Generation” brings together commentary from 21 researchers, advocates, and people who have personally experienced the system to illuminate how mass incarceration has impacted our nation. Through their essays, this book highlights the specific populations impacted by mass incarceration, as well as the different aspects of our practice and procedures that propel these populations into the justice system.
This JPI work includes a foreword by Michelle Alexander, author of “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” and includes a fold-out poster which portrays the major events that have shaped society’s acceptance of a massive prison industrial complex.
Read reviews in:
Maryland Reporter
Culture of Rejection
“Incarceration Generation” book signings that have already occurred include:
June 25 New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C. feat. Julie Stewart, Executive Director of Families Against Mandatory Minimums
July 9 Busboys & Poets 13 and V location feat. Nkechi Taifa, Senior Policy Advisor, Open Society Foundations and Will Marling, Executive Director, National Organization of Victims Advocates
July 10 Open Society Institute Baltimore feat. Neill Franklin, Executive Director, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition & Greg Carpenter, Formerly Incarcerated Community Advocate
November 14 Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA, feat. Greg Carpenter, Jericho Re-entry, as part of a discussion on Virginia’s Justice System hosted by the Virginia Alliance Against Mass Incarceration and the VUU Center for the Study of the Urban Child.
December 12 Brennan Center for Justice New York University School of Law, NYC, feat. Emily Tucker Staff Attorney Center for Popular Democracy, Julie Stewart Executive Director Families Against Mandatory Minimums, Neill Franklin, Executive Director Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Remarks to be made by Inimai Chettier Director of the Justice Program at Brennan Center for Justice; Moderated by Marc Schindler of JPI. RSVP.
December 16 Models for Change National Working Conference, Washington, D.C.
Books are available at booksignings and through JPI’s website via PayPal. You can also place an order via email or phone at 202.558.7974 / [email protected]. A $50 contribution receives a copy of JPI’s “Incarceration Generation” and a timeline poster. A $75 contribution receives a copy of “Incarceration Generation” signed by New York Times bestselling author Michelle Alexander and includes a copy of the poster. A $15 contribution receives a copy of the “Incarceration Generation” timeline poster. Shipping is not included.
Ask about our “Incarceration Generation” rate for impacted individuals and bulk rates.
A limited number of “Incarceration Generation” copies are being sold online by Teaching for Change.
All donations are tax deductible.