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In 2020, four national research and advocacy organizations — the Center for Children’s Law and Policy, Justice for Families, the Justice Policy Institute, and the National Juvenile Justice Network — came together to study state and local policy and practice changes that effectively reduced reliance on youth incarceration during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022 and 2023, the collaborative released a series of publications illustrating how agencies across the country can safely reduce reliance on youth incarceration and invest in more effective community-based strategies to support justice-involved youth and families.
As we near the end of the third year of the COVID-19 health crisis, cities, counties, and states across the country are continuing to deal with the pandemic. Even though many youth justice jurisdictions quickly and effectively pivoted away from incarceration in the face of the COVID-19 health crisis, detention and placement populations are creeping back up in many places. The latest data from The Annie E. Casey Foundation shows that similarly situated jurisdictions are moving in very different directions. While some communities have sustained reductions in
youth incarceration, others have seen youth detention and placement populations rise and even eclipse pre-pandemic levels. These divergent trends show that it is critical to document what worked and build on that foundation to transform the administration of justice for young people in the United States. After all, studies consistently show that if we reduce the detention and incarceration of youth, we all benefit.